Had a blast at the NADAC trials, hosted by the Gulf Coast Chihuahua Club, over in Vancleave, MS this past weekend. I always get so excited, enter a bunch of classes, but my enthusiasm is larger than my physical abilities! I should know better.... heck, so I creak around for a few days afterward, so what. It's fun and the dogs and I love it.
Guy is finally coming together and not spacey like he use to be. He only had one moment in the ring when he spied a small black dog zooming around just outside the ring and he briefly thought it might be a squirrel! He is a hound dog remember! To be fair, several dogs did the same thing until we went and asked the lady to play with him over on the other side. Guy finished his Open Jumpers title, too.
Guy had 10 runs over the 3 days and Q'd 6, including his first go at Novice Chances and it was a doozie! I was walking the course and suddenly thought "I'm in the wrong run....This must be Open!". Nope, it was Novice and a wicked send out and around to a hoop. Heck! I just consoled myself that we were never gonna get it anyway, so I might as well practice this handling maneuver I've seen on a distance handling blog. IT WORKED! Who knew??? The lady sitting next to me told me she was jealous because her AKC MACH dog failed that send.
Prize was up for her second attempt at NADAC. Last year, she wouldn't have anything to do with their contact equipment...It's covered in black rubber, including the contact points at the bottom. That was just too weird for her... Nope, not going up that, it's the wrong color. Some RRs are very color oriented and she apparently is one of them.
So, I put her in the Touch N Go, had Darla run first and make a big celebration about it. Prize is jealous. She can't stand for me to be praising another dog, her attitude is "Hmp, you think that's something, watch this!" Her best runs were her TnG class! Go figure.
She also had 10 runs over the weekend and she Q'd 4 of them. She's still green and gets distracted, but she's better than Guy at that age! She provided the comedy of the weekend, by running over to the judge, who was sitting down. She runs and sits next to him, then leans her head and neck over to rest on his chest.... Save me! Finally, comes back and finishes the course...over time tho....
Darla had 5 runs and Q'd 2, but to be fair, two of those runs, I let a friend run her and let's say they had a wonderful time making up courses.
All in all, it was a good work out for the dogs, Prize gained some experience and a good time was had by all.
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