
Thursday at the BARK trial, Darla finished her Novice Standard title! It wasn't pretty, but it was good enough and second place. Watch it on YouTube.

Guy got his first leg on his Novice Jumpers title with a first place! Yea!

Friday: I moved Darla up to Open...she's not ready as she doesn't do the weaves well, but I decided to go ahead. As expected, she didn't do all the weaves, and I made a handling mistake at the tunnel....but other than that she was BRILLIANT!

Guy's run was quite good...fast until we got to the weaves.... lo and behold, there was a bar sitter right there in front of him...been our problem...so he botched his entry, but came right back and finished it up... went smoothly until the second to last jump and he knocked a bar off... I am VERY HAPPY to see that the bar setter didn't have the appeal they use to for Guy. We are gaining focus!!

Saturday: Uggghhhh! Anyone want a male Ridgeback cheap? Honestly, boy dogs can do the wackiest things! Once we got into the ring, Guy's brain had a major glitch... He wouldn't pay attention to sit, finally sat, I left him on a stay, went to my call out spot, said "Okay!".... He stands up, sniffs the ground and MARKS! Out we go... coulda murdered him on the spot. Geez, something else to work on...

Darla gave me a great Open standard run, sans weaves (which I knew she wasn't going to do..my fautlt for not working her more on it). I'm gonna get on that though, because she's running well otherwise.

Planning on going to a NADAC trial next!
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